Decision Makers

Within their organizations, Decision Makers are the audacious ones. Unconcerned with the status quo, they make moves designed to free themselves – and their teams – from the stress of fraud prevention.

What does it mean to be a Decision Maker?

Meet the Decision Makers

Deniz Ertan

Senior Director of Buyer Risk
ebay logo
From her garden to the global marketplace, eBay's Deniz Ertan finds inspiration in nurturing growth — whether it's cultivating plants or fostering trust and security for millions of buyers and sellers.
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Portrait of Shivendra Kishor from Instacart

Shivendra Kishor

Senior Director of Fraud, Abuse Identity & Reconciliation
instacart logo
Instacart’s Shivendra Kishor gathers lessons from the court and the kitchen — then applies them in a world where groceries shift from shelves to doorsteps with the click of a button.
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Siân Woods

Senior Head of eCommerce Risk & Fraud Operations
Siân Woods lives in a state of perpetual motion, but life’s unexpected turns and travels has helped FARFETCH’s Siân Woods find calm in the chaos
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Portrait of Jenna Flateman Posner, Chief Digital Officer of Snipes

Jenna Flateman Posner

Chief Digital Officer
For Jenna Flateman Posner, life moves fast. In her role as Chief Digital Officer at SNIPES, Jenna is a digital mastermind. But outside of work, time spent in rugby and real estate has helped her prepare for quick thinking and a life of calculated risk.
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Sean Condon

VP, Omnichannel
ASICS logo
When Sean Condon laces up his ASICS, you might think he starts his day contemplating the challenges the week might bring. But it begins with his family – thanks to a series of big decisions in his journey that helped him beat the bad guys and spend more time at home.
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Raymond Huynh

Head of Risk
shopback logo
With “no leeway for mediocrity,” customer experience is at the forefront of everything Raymond Huynh does. But these aren’t just statements; they’re values, exemplified in Raymond’s journey, from finding his way home to reinventing ShopBack’s fraud-fighting experience.
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